Welcome to the page of Wang Xiangyu!
I am a fan and researcher in 3D printing, geometry processing, and computer graphics. My work is to develop new algorithms to improve and enrich current slicing software with more and more easy-to-use and reliable functions. Currently, I am employed by Bambu Lab, a promising start-up 3D printing company, as an algorithm engineer after graduation from HKUST, Aug., 2022, based out of Shenzhen.
Previously, I received my PhD in CAD/CAM supervised by Prof. Tang Kai, at the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Before joining Prof.Tang’s group, I was a research assistant in Prof.Kim’s group on Li-S battery. Prior to this, I received B.E. in the School of Mechatronics Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology and was proud of being a member in the HITCRT (HIT Competitive Robot Team).
As a researcher in CAD/CAM, I mainly focus on model decomposition, curve layers generation and path planning in additive manufacturing. My research interests also include applying robotics, computer graphics and conmputer vision on 3D printing. Please kindly check my Publications page and the full list on my Google Scholar.
Apart from my work, I am passionate about long-distance running, cycling, and learning about the world, as well as about the arts, science and technology. I believe human potential is infinite. I strongly believe in open, free, tolerant and diverse societies, and I support all sorts of progressive politics, especially when these relate to human rights and privacy. I like to get simple things done well even perfectly. I also have interests in many other things including history, art of film making, animation and classical music.
My current research topics:
- Process planning for multi-axis support-free 3D printing.
- Isosurface re-constructing from 3D image.
- Field-based curved layer slicing for 5-axis fabrication.
- Camera-based adaptive and interactive 3D printing.